"Ready for Change: Volksbank Köln Bonn Develops Its Leaders with DeepSkill"



Leadership Excellence Program: Emotional skills as the driver of transformation

The digital training program with modern methods and content has impressed Volksbank. In March 2022, as one of the largest Volksbanken in the Rhineland, it will introduce DeepSkill's tailor-made Leadership Excellence Program as a sustainable measure in personnel development.

In doing so, Volksbank Köln Bonn is responding to new challenges and requirements for employees that arise at a rapid pace as a result of digital transformation. In order to support the broad workforce in the transformation process, Volksbank Köln Bonn's learning program focuses on the targeted development of its experienced managers.

DeepSkill Co-Founder and CEO Miriam Mertens says about the collaboration:”Volksbank is in the midst of a transformation process and we are proud to support them with our digital programs and coaches. ”

Markus Frütel, Director of Human Resources & Communications at Volksbank Köln Bonn, is also satisfied:”With DeepSkill, we are taking new paths in personnel development and also rely on modern content and contemporary digital methods [... and can] continue to grow a modern management style at Volksbank Köln Bonn that focuses on people. ”

In the meantime, Volksbank Köln Bonn has expanded its program to include young managers who are supported in their new management role via DeepSkill.

The full press release can be downloaded below.

Are you interested in the program at Volksbank Köln Bonn? You can find more information about this here.

